A Peculiar Toilet Design with High-Curvy Walls
January 12, 2024

Starting from tourist complaints about neglected public toilets in tourist attractions GN Architects tried to solve the problem of creating beautiful and clean public toilets. There are three buildings connected through the central courtyard of the square with stunning views of the hill. The public toilet with a wall height of 7 meters embedded in the hillside of Atour Village is designed to complement the town square facilities of Atour Village, Qingdao, China.

GN Architect Designed Public Toilets Inside the Hillsides of China Tourism Village

Town square of Atour Village, Qingdao, China

The design is focused on a nursery room and three toilets taking into account the structure, function, and space needs. Its unique shape with curved walls creates an unusual shape of the building so that it attracts the attention of visitors. The white color applied throughout the walls of the building gives a clean impression of the toilet. The white spotlights that shoot their light at the wall at night create a charming atmosphere in the space.

GN Architect Designed Public Toilets Inside the Hillsides of China Tourism Village

GN Architect Designed Public Toilets Inside the Hillsides

GN Architect Designed Public Toilets Inside the Hillsides of China Tourism Village

Attractive curved walls

The large opening as the entrance to the toilet is designed to face toward the central courtyard of the square with the aim of making it easier for visitors. In addition, toilet hint icons are installed on each wall to provide convenience for tourists. The ground-covered top of the toilet and plants with a hidden toilet entrance provides good privacy for any space in the building.

 GN Architect Designed Public Toilets Inside the Hillsides of China Tourism Village

The enclosed courtyard looked like a deep pit on the hillside 

Inside it is equipped with a closed courtyard. When viewed from the top of the yard his toilet looks like a deep hole in the hillside. The courtyard embedded between the toilet rooms is designed as a source of natural light and air to be able to enter the room through the window so that circulation is maintained even if the toilet is embedded in the hillside.

 GN Architect Designed Public Toilets Inside the Hillsides of China Tourism Village

Yard as a source of natural light and air

GN Architect Designed Public Toilets Inside the Hillsides of China Tourism Village

Public toilets inside hillsides of China tourism village

This toilet building is designed to give visitors an experience such as entering a mine pit with bright and clean sunlight with a smooth surface texture.

 GN Architect Designed Public Toilets Inside the Hillsides of China Tourism Village

Public toilets floor plan

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