Peek into Roman Britain History through the Roman Villa Museum

August 13, 2024

The Roman Villa Museum is located on the ruins site in Hadspen, England. The villa's ruins were first discovered in 1832 and excavated between 1968 and 1970. Later, in 2015, excavations were carried out once more, revealing the actual extent and outbuildings. At this heritage site, Stonewood Design was trusted to plan an educational destination where visitors will get insight into the history of Roman Britain.

Different treatments for different areasDifferent treatments for different areas

Roman Villa Museum seen from Roman Villa Reconstruction (cr: Craig Auckland)Roman Villa Museum is seen from Roman Villa Reconstruction (cr: Craig Auckland)

These old findings are scattered at several points on a wide grass field. Each area was treated differently to produce a diverse spatial experience while maintaining archeological authenticity. Visitors can appreciate history by looking at the exhibition, playing on the preserved ruins, and experiencing the reconstructed villa.

Site plan showing the museum, the preserved ruins, and the reconstructed villaSite plan showing the museum, the preserved ruins, and the reconstructed villa

Museum interior (cr: Craig Auckland)Museum interior (cr: Craig Auckland)

The Roman Villa Museum itself was designed in the ruins of the bathhouse. The museum exhibits various ancient finds such as building ruins, pottery, coins, and parts of mosaic floors. The glass-encased building is supported by a structure that allows it to float to make room for the old structure beneath. Part of the villa structure is left open and becomes the center of the building. Each side of the museum is cleared of all fixings and structures so there are no visual distractions when looking out towards the preserved archaeology and the Roman Villa Reconstruction.

The exposed ruins inside the museum (cr: Craig Auckland)The exposed ruins inside the museum (cr: Craig Auckland)

The glass wall to provide a clear view to other areas (cr: Craig Auckland)The glass wall to provide a clear view to other areas (cr: Craig Auckland)

Historical remains are covered below ground level in the yards for preservation reasons. The designer added a playful landscape with an identical shape following the original pattern to present a complete picture of the buried structure. Visitors can freely interact with, touch, sit, stand, or even walk on it.

Landscape features sit atop the original buried ruins (cr: Craig Auckland)Landscape features sit atop the original buried ruins (cr: Craig Auckland)

Roman Villa Reconstruction (cr: Craig Auckland)Roman Villa Reconstruction (cr: Craig Auckland)

Separately not far from the preservation area, the Roman Villa is reconstructed as an artifact rebuilt at a 1:1 scale according to the archaeological discoveries, research into Roman building techniques, and the spirit to tell the context and history. Here, one can explore various constructions such as rammed earth, thatch, oak shingles, and wattle, as well as daubing using clay from the site. In addition, visitors can also learn about the old temperature conditioning system through a hypocaust void under the floor that channels hot steam through terracotta tubuli in the walls.

Interior (cr: Craig Auckland)Interior (cr: Craig Auckland)

Roman temperature conditioning systemRoman temperature conditioning system

Terracotta tubuli (cr: Craig Auckland)Terracotta tubuli (cr: Craig Auckland)

In addition to its interesting way of telling history, this lightweight museum is also committed to the environment. Visually, the museum does not isolate itself but offers a “background” to the vast expanse of the surrounding landscape and the sky above. The museum also installed photovoltaics on its roof to provide electricity to control humidity and temperature inside—a typical museum need. With sufficient independent electricity supply, it can be said that the building is operationally carbon neutral.

Office Name
Project Location
Hadspen, United Kingdom
Completion Year
Office Name
Project Location
Hadspen, United Kingdom
Completion Year
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