Dream Glow Pavillion: Colorful “Mushrooms” at the Shenzhen Light Festival
"Dream Glow" by Daxing Jizi is a pavilion with the theme "Searching the Glow of Future", located in Universiade Center, Shenzhen, China. The festival aims to unify arts into urban life and create a comfortable place for recreation as well as add fun to the children who play around. The original purpose of the design at this festival was to create a small-scale building that could be used as a relaxing space for the public.
Dream Glow Pavilion is located in the central green area of the Universiade Center
The green area at the center of the Universiade Center was chosen to place the Dream Glow Pavilion. Although this green area is not specifically designed for leisure, the surrounding residents already consider it a small park, if the weather is good some of them bring a pedestal for picnics and many children play in this area. Creating a comfortable place for recreational people, and adding fun for the children playing around it, is our goal.
The pavilion domes are wrapped in colored, translucent, and matte soft films
The pavilion is inspired by the shape of mushrooms and lanterns consisting of five traditional Chinese colors; turquoise, yellow, purple, red, and deep black. Daxing Jizi designed 12 lamps using synthetic paper that has the advantage of being resistant to water and allowing light to penetrate, with an open space of 360 degrees. All these "mushrooms" have the same floor height as the grass area, aiming that people who are in the grass area can easily move into the pavilion. On the one side, there is a road that can be easily accessed when someone is carrying a baby carriage to enter the pavilion.
Dream Glow Pavilion - a place for visitors to interact with light and nature
During the day, the pavilion can protect from the sun so that it can provide a sense of comfort when someone is inside the pavilion. As night falls the bright pavilion emits light, drawing attention to the green area to rest, relax and interact while enjoying the beautiful atmosphere of light and nature. In winter, people come to the pavilion to spend time accompanied by warm sunlight that gives rise to a sense of calm, comfort, and fun while in the pavilion.
Top view of Dream Glow Pavilion
Dream Glow Pavilion is designed to encourage social interaction in the surrounding community directly. When social media disrupts urban life, individuals become secretive, while the things that connect and unite humans will gradually disappear. This work is expected to present an understanding of how reality and nature can encourage people to live a "real" life but with their bodies and minds. Daxing Jizi hopes that the Dream Glow Pavilion festival can distract people from digital devices to come to the pavilion to enjoy the surrounding nature.
Dream Glow Pavilion presents an understanding of how reality and nature can encourage humans to live "real" lives
Dream Glow Pavilion plan

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