Experimental Experience Garden Canopy
January 8, 2024

exterior second floor, Photo by Sonny Sandjaya Photography

Tanatap Canopy Garden is a cafe and commercial park designed by RAD+ar. Located in a housing complex in the Bekasi area, the design of the Tanatap Canopy Garden is inspired by the red and wavy shape of tropical almond leaves.

exterior at the front cafe, Photo by Sonny Sandjaya Photography

The impression through the RAD+ar design language for Tanatap Canopy Garden is that visitors experience it as part of a falling leaf. Massive and dynamic waves in various corners of the building represent the freedom that can be created anywhere.

interior at the cafe, Photo by Sonny Sandjaya Photography

"We wanted the design to seamlessly blend the indoor-outdoor living experience and extend the view towards the expansive garden fields while remaining low-tech but acting as a bold background of the landscapes," said Antonius Richard, RAD+ar.

interior at the cafe, Photo by KIE

Tanatap Garden Canopy can be described according to its name. The word "garden" indicates that this cafe is surrounded by lots of plants, both for decoration and primary needs in this cafe. Not only that, this cafe's dominant material and color also use natural elements. As well as setting the floor plan like being in a beautiful garden.

Exterior at the cafe, Photo by KIE

While the word "canopy" is represented by the presence of a wide canopy that serves as the second floor of the café. This unique canopy can accommodate guests of about 20 people because it features a built-in coffee table and a structured layer staircase as seating. 

Exterior cafe at night, Photo by KIE

In addition to the mass of buildings designed with wavy shapes, RAD+ar also thinks about the spatial experience of visitors through the use of materials inside and outside the café. The walls of the café dominated by glass elements with the addition of glass-block ornaments can maximize the outside view and the circulation of natural light to the interior. Tanatap Garden Canopy reinforces its "bold" characteristics through dark red pigmented concrete.

Exterior cafe at night, Photo by KIE

Tanatap Garden Canopy is not only concerned with the visual aspect, but the material play is no less intelligent. This experimental experience, in its unique and unusual design, makes the sensation of drinking coffee and chatting more open and intense.

first floor plan

second floor plan

Office Name
Project Location
Bekasi, Indonesia
Completion Year
Office Name
Project Location
Bekasi, Indonesia
Completion Year
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