Bundanon Art Museum & Bridge Claimed to be Fire and Flood Resistant

September 13, 2024

Bundanon Art Museum & Bridge stands on a high hill on the banks of the Shoalhaven River in Illaroo, Australia. This 1,100-hectare land was a gift from Arthur and Yvonne Boyd, a couple of renowned Australian artists of the mid to late 20th century. The responsibility to design the new structure was given to Kerstin Thompson Architects (KTA) and was completed in 2022.

Bundanon Art Museum & Bridge on a high hillBundanon Art Museum & Bridge on a high hill (cr: Rory Gardiner)

Space inside the Bundanon Art MuseumSpace inside the museum (cr: Rory Gardiner)

The presence of the new structures is an addition that would strengthen existing buildings and programs. These old buildings speak the traditional language of rural Australia, including the Bundanon Homestead, built in 1866, Singleman's Hut, built in the 1870s, many cottages, etc. Meanwhile, the new structure consists of two masses: the Art Museum and the Bridge.

The Bridge of Bundanon by Kerstin Thompson ArchitectsThe Bridge (cr: Rory Gardiner)

Bundanon Art Museum & Bridge planPlan

The two buildings meet on a more sloping part of the land. The Art Museum houses exhibition spaces, while The Bridge has a creative learning center, dining room, public cafe, and accommodation in 32 bedrooms.

The Bundanon Art MuseumThe Art Museum (cr: Rory Gardiner)

The forest surrounding the Bundanon Art Museum & BridgeThe surrounding forest (cr: Rory Gardiner)

The design concept integrates many aspects of the site. KTA claimed the new design to be resistant to fire and flood, natural phenomena that commonly occur at the site. Several years ago, a large summer fire destroyed the surrounding forest, and a few months later, a flood occurred.

Bundanon trestle structureTrestle structure (cr: Rory Gardiner)

The lifted mass of Bundanon Art Museum & BridgeThe lifted mass (cr: Rory Gardiner)

The design team proposed a trestle structural solution to bridge contoured land at different heights, thereby lifting the mass of the building high above the gully. Meanwhile, at the Art Museum, part of the concrete mass is underground, providing a stable internal thermal environment with balanced pressure, as well as providing safe protection for the more than 3,800 art collections inside.

Bundanon public cafePublic cafe (cr: Rory Gardiner)

Bundanon dining roomDining room (cr: Rory Gardiner)

KTA designs specifically highlight extraordinary experiences and views, both from stunning natural landscapes and exceptional art collections. The Bundanon Art Museum & Bridge is a facility that enhances this historic arts environment.

Project Location
Illaroo, Australia
Completion Year
Project Location
Illaroo, Australia
Completion Year
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