Nishitokyo House Stands Sturdy like A Huge Rock Mound
When you look at the front, this building is like a very large rock mound standing in a settlement in the Nishitokyo areas, Japan.
Nishitokyo House looks like a very large rock mound, Photo by Toshiyuki Yano
This 3-storey house aims to create a spacious space with all the limitations and use only a few materials to create harmony. Although looking like a huge stone from the outside, it comprises three floors with an enormous staircase that has a series of spaces around it with various functions each.
It comprises three floors with an enormous staircase that has a series of spaces, Photo by Toshiyuki Yano
This large staircase becomes a multifunctional feature that can be used as another function in the limitations of the building area, such as being a living room, seating, and theater stage under the stairs can also be a family room to create warmth in this house.
The large staircase, Photo by Toshiyuki Yano
Seen in the elements of this house until the use of furniture materials using the same materials, as well as large stairs besides being a link between spaces also produce a space that is not hindered by scale, to create a more functional home environment among the simplicity of material use and a simple scale but still provide comfort and provide privacy space on the top floor as a resting area.
The similar materials used on the furniture, flooring tile, and staircase, Photo by Toshiyuki Yano
The large staircase, Photo by Toshiyuki Yano

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