Buka Mata “Architecture, Culture, and Cities”
The Association of Indonesian Architects (IAI) West Kalimantan was holding an event called Buka Mata for Architects, Culture & Cities: First Steps for IAI West Kalimantan 2023. This activity is located at Port 99, Jalan Kom Yos Soedarso No. 99, Pontianak City. This series of activities consisted of RAKERPROV (31 January 2023), Inauguration of the Port 99 Building, Thanksgiving of the IAI West Kalimantan Secretariat Office (1 February 2023), Sketch Contest (2 February 2023), Sharing sessions (1,2,3 and 6 February 2023), Architectural Works Exhibition (1-12 February 2023), and Cap Go Meh Trip (3-5 February 2023).
The Association of Indonesian Architects (IAI) West Kalimantan was holding an event with three main topics
The opening of Buka Mata: "Architecture, Culture & Cities" which is the IAI West Kalimantan RAKERPROV activity, was held on January 31st, 2023, at the IBIS Pontianak Hotel. This activity was successfully attended by all management from IAI West Kalimantan. The IAI West Kalimantan REKERPROV agenda is a forum for discussion for each field in the IAI West Kalimantan related to work programs and program synchronization for each field.
RAKERPROV IAI West Kalimantan attended by all management staff of IAI West Kalimantan
The next series is the Port 99 Building Inauguration Ceremony, or the Borneo Design Center and IAI West Kalimantan Secretariat Office, held on February 1st, 2023 at Port 99, Jl. Komyos Sudarso no.99. Officially, the IAI West Kalimantan Secretariat has moved to Port 99. In addition, on February 2 2023 to enliven the Buka Mata "Architecture, Culture & Cities," a sketch competition was held with the theme Pontianak City Harbor and its surroundings and attended by various groups.
Port 99 is the new official place for the secretariat of IAI West Kalimantan
The sharing session was held in the Creative Hall area at Port 99. At this event, the sharing session was attended by local West Kalimantan architects and also from outside West Kalimantan consisting of Sharing Session 01 to Sharing Session 04. The sharing session 01 was held on February 1, 2023, with guest speaker Ar. Hendyanto Lim, IAI, and Ar. Yacobus Gatot Subroto, IAI, discussed the City Creative Space.
The activity of sharing sessions is one of the agenda in Buka Mata "Architecture, Culture, & Cities"
Sharing session 02 was held on February 2, 2023, with the guests: Ar. Yudha Sanjaya, IAI, Ar. Derry Feriyan Misavan, IAI, Ar. Yulia Liunardy, IAI, and Ar. Cipta Hadi, IAI, discusses Architects and Lifestyle. Sharing session 03 was held on February 3, 2023, with Dr. Baskoro Tedjo MSEB, IAI, AA, Ar. Achmad D. Tardiyana, IAI, Ar. Yohanes Reginaldus A. Ricky, IAI, and Ar. Yori Antar Awal, IAI, AA discussed Architecture, Culture, and Cities.
Sharing session 04 was the last sharing session held on 6 February 2023 with Dr. -Eng. Ir. I Gede Oka Sindhu Pribadi, M.Sc., M.M., IAP., GP., IAI., AA and Ar. Achmad Roffie Faturrachman, IAI discussed City Village Exploration.
This sharing session was attended by many backgrounds
In addition to sharing sessions, another series of architectural works exhibitions were held on 1-7 February 2023 and then extended to 12 February 2023 due to the public interest in Pontianak City which welcomed this exhibition. This exhibition is located in the BDC Immersive Artspace area at Port 99. This exhibition of architectural works presents various work panels and mockups from local studios in West Kalimantan.
The architectural exhibition of Buka Mata "Architecture, Culture, & Cities"
The Cap Go Meh Trip was held in Singkawang City from 3-5 February 2023. The Cap Go Meh Trip presents a trip with local architects and architects outside West Kalimantan to see the annual Cap Go Meh cultural event in Singkawang City.
The participants who attended the Buka Mata activity were creative industry players from various sectors throughout Pontianak City. The IAI West Kalimantan agenda, namely the Buka Mata Exhibition, will be able to encourage creative actors in Pontianak City and West Kalimantan, in general, to continue working by exhibiting their works at Port 99.
IAI West Kalimantan successfully held the event with involve many people

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