Titik Tentram Cafe : a cafe with eco-friendly roof materials
Extreme climate conditions that frequently happen globally including Indonesia are an impact of global warming. The excessive amount of carbon emitted from various daily activities like mobility and industrial activities leads to the earth’s temperature rising. In Indonesia, one of the biggest carbon contributors is construction. Construction in Indonesia contributes 50% of the total energy consumption and contributes 30% of greenhouse gas.
Looking at the facts, the government has given building standardization based on various typologies with green building concepts that pay attention to the environment, society, and good management in the design process. One of many ways to achieve the green building concept goals is by selecting eco-friendly materials. A public building that uses eco-friendly materials to create green buildings is a cafe called Titik Tentram, located on Nglegosari Street, Bantul, Yogyakarta.
Titik Tentram Cafe in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The cafe, which is built on a wide green site with a beautiful and pleasing landscape, uses the eco-friendly steel roof material, COLORBOND Matt. Its ability to minimize heat absorption can reduce the temperature rising inside the building during the day. Besides that, steel roofs known for their durability from weather and other factors can minimize material treatment and replacement to ensure long-term energy efficiency.
Titik Tentram Cafe uses an eco-friendly roof material
This steel material is selected based on the building’s use as a cafe where the exterior of the building plays a big part in encouraging the visitors. Even though using steel as the roof material, the aesthetic value becomes one thing that should have high attention. The white gable roof which is aligned with the walls, creates a simple and sweet but elegant look. The white color which contrasts with the green landscape makes this building more eye-catching but still blends with the tone color in the surroundings
Titik Tentram Cafe offers a cozy place to enjoy coffee

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