Morag Myerscough Spreads Happiness through Make Happy Installation
January 9, 2024

Morag Myerscough is interested in changing urban environments and public spaces to be more colorful. The London-based artist consistently accentuates his trademark through processing with the boldness of form and bright colors that are always featured in each of his works.

Morag Myerscough Spreads Happiness through Make Happy Installation(Visitors will be greeted with an entrance that reads Make Happy Those Who Are Near)

One of her works, entitled 'Make Happy Installation'' is no exception, a public space initiated by PMQ Hong Kong. Morag Myerscough designed Make Happy Installation to bring happiness to those who visited it.

Make Happy Installation showcases Morag's creativity in playing with bright shapes and colors in her work. She argues that bright colors can create positive energy that encourages humans to feel happiness. The structure was built using wood shaped according to geometric patterns and subsequently painted directly by Morag Myerscough.

Morag Myerscough Spreads Happiness through Make Happy Installation(Make Happy Installation built in a public space)

As an installation placed in a public area, the identity of Make Happy Installation should represent its role as a meeting place and play area. These two things are realized through the shape of the building, which resembles a small house with a festive façade decoration.

Morag Myerscough Spreads Happiness through Make Happy Installation(The walls are filled with geometric patterns)

When stepping into the entrance, visitors will be greeted with the words "Make Happy those who are near," which can give a 'well received' impression in the hearts of visitors. Around the structure, visitors are also facilitated by several monochrome benches that can be used to sit and interact with others.

Morag Myerscough Spreads Happiness through Make Happy Installation(Side view Make Happy Installation)

Interestingly, Myerscough added elements of décor on top of its roof structure with visuals resembling bull horns. This element illustrates Morag's courage in designing the Make Happy Installation. This striking and functional design is considered to be able to describe the role of Make Happy Installation. Make Happy Installation is a colorful lighthouse full of positive energy that creates joy for anyone. Its universal design makes it an inclusive space that anyone can use indefinitely.

Morag Myerscough Spreads Happiness through Make Happy Installation(Monochrome seats in the front area of the installation)

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Hong Kong
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Office Name
Project Location
Hong Kong
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