Guga Bookstore Takes You to "Fly" to the Realm of Knowledge
January 11, 2024

Generally, bookstores need to be equipped with facilities for visitors to read, unlike Guga Books in Chongqing, China. This 750 square meter bookstore was designed by WT Architects with a unique concept with supporting facilities such as a reading room for visitors. In addition, the design of the building that adopts the transformation form of the spaceship makes buyers even more interested in coming to this store.  

The Entrance of Guga BooksThe Entrance of Guga Books

When entering this store, visitors will initially find a book display area with various shapes in black. Some displays are placed against the wall, others on shelves that resemble building structure columns and display boxes. Each book can be easily reached because the store implements a bookshelf navigation system with the help of lights above the shelves that specify different zoning to make it easier for visitors to find books to buy. In this area, visitors are free to choose and search for books they like or are interested in

Display Books Area Display Books Area

Bookshelf Area with the Navigation System Bookshelf Area with the Navigation System

In addition to viewing shelves with books, visitors can read in the iconic reading area, a long table equipped with chairs on both sides, this shape is transformed from a spaceship, and inside there is a space for waiters to serve everyone sitting along the bar. Each side of the table is equipped with a table lamp as lighting at the time of reading. This area is made by leveling the floor raised to be the center of attention of the entire room. The transformation of the spaceship design can also be seen from the shape of the window glass and ceiling, which is added with a wavy white cloth resembling clouds. Uniquely, the opposite side of this table also looks like a giant ship with a characteristic wooden deck.

The reading area is designed with an atmosphere that brings the feeling of being reading on an spaceshipThe reading area is designed with an atmosphere that brings the feeling of being reading on an spaceship

Reading Area of Guga Books Reading Area of Guga Books

When you are tired of dealing with writing and reading books for a long time, a green open space is created to accommodate the needs of visitors who want to relax and digest information quietly, namely a garden with a unique curved shape. This garden is designed to resemble a mesh because it is patterned on a grid planted with one type of green grass plant. In the garden foyer, there are tables and sitting cushions that are used for visitors who want to observe and enjoy nature. Furthermore, the inside of Guga Books is made to blend with the outside world of the park by providing a large enough opening so that natural air can enter optimally.

The Curved Garden The Curved Garden

The Curved Garden makes the reading atmosphere feel calm and pleasantThe Curved Garden makes the reading atmosphere feel calm and pleasant

A room like a red meteorite with ornaments of holes that serve as air circulation. This room has access to the upper floors used to communicate and discuss the books they have read. The existence of this room functions as the final stage of a journey to explore the world of science. The Guga Books design designed by WT Architects has successfully become a multifunctional place to buy books and attract people to read.

Guga Books

The Red Meteorite

Layout of Guga Bookstore Layout of Guga Bookstore


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