The Divided Installation: A Metaphor of Earth in Athens
January 12, 2024

Spaniard urban artist SpY presented an artistical project consisting of a metaphorical Earth form in deep red light at the digital art exhibition, Plasmata, Body, Dreams, and Data in Athens. This installation has a shape like the earth being split in half with red lava from the bowels of the Earth that covers the entire installation area.

Divided by SpYThe Divided Installation by SpY

Divided installation has a height of approximately 20 metersThe Divided installation has a height of approximately 20 meters

This installation is known as “Divided.” Installation designed to explain the importance of the relationship between humans and humans as inhabitants of the planet Earth and, humans and the earth. Placed in the Greek metropolis, more precisely in the Pedion to Aeros park. The Earth installation which is split into two is wrapped by cube-shaped scaffolding as its structure. At first glance, this installation looks like a big red circle flying above the ground.

Divided - installation of the luminous Earth metaphor for togethernessDivided--installation of the luminous Earth metaphor for togetherness

Divided installations emit a red hue that shines through the scaffolding that envelops themDivided installations emit a red hue that shines through the scaffolding that envelops them

Divided was designed by SpY as a metaphor for Earth, so this installation was made with a large size and reached a height of approximately 20 meters. Created as a gathering place so that humans on this Earth can chat with each other, reflect and spend time together. Every visitor who visits this installation will feel himself in a large iron corridor with a deep red color around it.

A large iron corridor with a deep red color around itA large iron corridor with a deep red color around it

The Divided installation detailsThe Divided installation details

This visual statement is accompanied by a deep red glow emitting its glow from within the installation, where visitors can feel the heat transmitted from the concept artwork from Spy. In this work, SpY asks visitors to reflect on how the place we live in forms the whole of which we are a part.

“At the heart of this project is the idea that differences should be understood, not as separators but as a compliment,” SpY said.





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