The River Studio, A Stylish Sanctuary with Modern Aura
Alexis Dornier transformed a former three unit ensemble space into a modern one-bedroom house. Namely the River Studio, this house is a result of the urge to utilize the site’s space in a most-advantaged way.
River Studio by Alexis Dornier, Photo by KIE
River Studio by Alexis Dornier, Photo by KIE
Even though it is located on a small site with a width of less than 8 meters, both the exterior and interior of the house have been carefully designed to provide a more spacious living place. The living room has been rotated to create wider viewpoints toward the outdoor swimming pool and garden. The swimming pool surrounded by the green garden is a place to relax and feel the fresh air breeze. The fresh air continually breeze into the living room that fills the interior with a calming atmosphere.
The living room has been thoughtfully rotated to create a more spacious feel, Photo by KIE
The interior has been expertly crafted to maximize space, Photo by KIE
Above the living room, there is a small space advantaged as a cantilever where the small studio bedroom is placed. From this cantilever, the stunning view of nature can be seen directly. The A-frame roof is one of the specialist features of this home. It is made of steel, wood, and concrete that creates a unique roofline to provide shade and privacy. This roof also pays a huge contribution to the house’s visual appearance.
The upstairs is designed to face the A-frame roof and the swimming pool outside, Photo by KIE
The A-frame roof contributes to the studio's modern and distinctive appearance., Photo by KIE
The interior ambiance has also been enhanced by painting the green and earthy tones to every inch of the house. To add more visual aesthetic, several artwork have been specifically chosen which further complement the color tones. From the interior to exterior, the River Studio spoils each inhabitant with its spacious feeling and calm atmosphere.
The color palettes used throughout the River Studio evoke the surrounding green and earth tone, Photo by KIE
The color palettes used throughout the River Studio evoke the surrounding green and earth tone, Photo by KIE
River Studio by Alexis Dornier, Photo by KIE
River Studio by Alexis Dornier, Photo by KIE

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