2024 World Habitat Awards: Gold for Jakarta's Urban Housing Advocacy
The advocacy program for livable housing rights in Kampung Kota Jakarta, initiated by several non-profit organizations, was awarded a gold medal from the 2024 World Habitat Awards as an inspirational project that fights for housing rights while providing effective solutions for residents who are at risk of eviction or who have been evicted.
Kampung Susun Akuarium, Image is taken from detik.com
Jakarta, which has been known as a city that is unfriendly to poor and urban village residents, as well as the forced eviction of Jakarta urban village residents in 2014-2016, has become a driving force for several organizations to help advocate for the evicted residents housing rights. This collaborative project from the Jakarta Urban Poor Network, Urban Poor Consortium (UPC), Rujak Center for Urban Studies (RCUS), ASF Indonesia, and the Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia, effectively solved this problem.
Several programs have been carried out, including multi-level advocacy and campaigns, self-organization, policy advocacy, inter-village organizing, design and planning, arts and cultural activities, and litigation.
Particularly, this award honors the 2 projects in this advocacy program, namely the arrangement of independent housing by the Ciliwung River Children's Community (KAKC) and the rebuilding of the Kampung Susun Aquarium. KAKC has repeatedly received threats of forced eviction, which was then answered by KAKC, and in collaboration with JRMK, UPC, ASF Indonesia, the Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia, carried out independent planning by cutting down buildings to create public space along the river. KAKC encouraged the birth of an Inspection Village, where all elements of the village, both the space and the residents, protect and care for the river.
Kampung KAKC, Image by detik.com
Kampung Susun Akuarium became an inspiring breakthrough in rebuilding housing after the forced eviction on April 11, 2016. After this eviction, accompanied by JRMK, UPC, and RCUS, the residents of Kampung Aquarium persistently fought to rebuild their village. By applying a participatory design concept involving various parties in the development process, Kampung Susun Aquarium has succeeded in providing new, livable housing for evicted residents.
Executive Director of UN-Habitat (a UN agency that works on settlement and housing issues), Maimunah Mohd Sharif, expressed great appreciation for this program. She praised the multi-party partnership and citizen involvement as early as possible, including the decision to utilize policy and political approaches to encourage change.
Meanwhile, Leilani Farha, Director of The Shift and UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing 2014-2019, also expressed her appreciation for this program and stated that Advocacy for the Right to Adequate Housing in Jakarta is a fantastic breakthrough that provides space for residents at risk of eviction and has been evicted, to advocate for significant legal and political change. This breakthrough is firmly rooted in a human rights approach focusing on systemic change, community involvement, and guaranteed residence security.
“I realize that community involvement is often not centered on housing work, so I was very impressed with this aspect of the project,” said Leilani Farha

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