Bookgroove – Deniz Aktay's Dual Function Side Table
Enriching the interior by applying classic to modern concepts is typical for German-based designer Deniz Aktay. The hallmark of his work always features a simple, minimalist, yet attractive side. The simplicity of his work almost makes everyone wonder, "Why don't I think of this?" Aktay, with his simple imagination, always thinks about small things to produce extensive innovative work.
(Bookgroove - A functional Side Table by Deniz Aktay)
"During my studies and work experience – the detailed aspects of creating have been vital in my creative process. The more I focused on making furniture and objects, my enthusiasm grew!" Deniz Aktay said.
According to Deniz Aktay, a good design has harmony between proportions, material, and functionality. Therefore, a design not only features a shape with high aesthetics but the detail and functionality in one product are equally important.
(Bookgroove - Side table that also serves as a bookshelf)
This year, Deniz Aktay has created an innovative work entitled "Bookgroove" – a functional side table. Unlike side tables in common, he designed this side table with two functions (desk and bookshelf). Bookgroove's design has a cylindrical shape with a cavity for the book's place. He made this side table from solid wood because wood is an easy-to-form material. In addition, minimalist aesthetics are present through curved sculptures on one side that function as a storage place for books.
(Curved sculptures function as book storage)
The deep and long curved sculpture was the most crucial point in the design of Bookgroove. The arch in this cylinder can hold books up to 24 pieces. The proportion between the curved shape and the wood material and its two functions have created harmony with the Bookgroove.
(Deep curved sculptures)
Aktay explained that the shape of the cylinder on this Bookgroove would be perfect if the arch was filled with books. "The books and wood become one once it's fully loaded!" Aktay said.
The minimalist and functional presence of Bookgroove allows everyone to embellish the interior with innovative products from Deniz Aktay.
(The cylindrical shape will return perfectly when fully filled with books)

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