Spiritual Journey through Camino de Santiago Trek French Arrival Ramp
The Camino de Santiago Trek French Arrival Ramp is designed with the slope of the land in mind and the comfort of pedestrians. A long ramp that leads to the highest point in the Santiago de Compostela area, Galicia, Spain, has a function as access to a holy cathedral located on the sacred hill of Monte do Gozo. A ramp that is 111 meters long and 2.5 meters wide aims to make it easier for hill climbers to walk.
Camino de Santiago Trek French Arrival Ramp designed by CREUSeCARRASCO Arquitectos.
The winding design is an idea to ease the uphill journey and make it a different experience than just a straight track without a break. The location is next to a hill with views of the city and nature, making the track an experience going down the hillside to the cathedral.
This long and winding ramp replaced the role of the stairs that had previously existed on the Camino de Santiago line before entering the city of Santiago de Compostela.
CREUSeCARRASCO Arquitectos places the ramp construction above the ground with a “U” shaped precast concrete construction and paving block as the initial boundary of the ramp with the surface. Finishing the concrete surface on the ramp area is a focal point in design and construction to provide security for each user.
This 111-meter-long precast concrete structure follows the sacred hill of Monte do Gozo.
The design of this new pedestrian path follows the contours of the ground of the site.
The surface on each precast concretes area is texturized, so the user does not worry about slipping when there is a water flow. In its construction, the architect experimented by making a 25-meter-long floating ramp so, at the bottom, it could be used as a circulation space for people to stay or animals to pass.
One corner of the ramp jutting out into the inside of the hill.
The ramp is constructed with 'U'-shaped precast concrete construction.
Previously, this building was in the form of stairs arranged to cross the hill and was on the side of the toll road. The architect took the initiative to contribute through the idea of designing a ramp to replace the staircase. A simple thing is trying to be offered to the city and the community through a public space design approach.
From the end of the ramp below, you can see one of its parts floating above ground level.
Camino de Santiago Trek French Arrival Ramp respects nature by not over-intervening.

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