Bee Home Charm: Unassuming Exterior, Cozy Interior
Bee Home is the name of a wooden building dedicated to the training activities of beekeepers. Designed by Enrico Sassi Architetto, Bee Home has a simple shape with a block-like box façade. Located in the Mezzana Cantonal Agricultural-Farm – Professional Green Center at Coldrerio (TI), the building is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery and a backdrop of green trees on a hill.
(Bee Home is surrounded by stunning green natural scenery)
The 92-square-meter building consists of two main elements: the base of the building and the wooden pavilion on it. The reinforced concrete floor is raised to 45 centimeters to form a series of stairs. Thus, the boundary between the pavilion and outer space is biased. Meanwhile, the pavilion structure was built using prefabricated spruce wood. Outside the pavilion, Enrico Sassi Architetto arranged pillars 130 centimeters apart to support the wooden roof that created a portico below.
(Bee Home's Perspective)
Bee Home consists of two rooms, the first of which functions as a classroom with prefabricated wooden walls equipped with high windows towering from the ground to the roof, which become the source of sunlight gaining into the space. While the other room functioned as a honey extraction laboratory.
(Apiary classrooms)
(Next to the classroom is a honey extraction laboratory)
This wooden structure offers a peaceful environment with birds chirping and green nature. The volume of elevated wood seems to provide a more comprehensive view of nature. Entering the classroom, the team added posters about beekeeping knowledge as well as being an element of decoration in this pavilion.
(Classrooms are equipped with beekeeping science posters)
Because the site's location is in the hills with a humid environment, Enrico Sassi Architetto first processed the material to be durable. Therefore, the wooden boards are given a unique touch with the method of burning wood on the surface to strengthen their properties.
(Bee Home is built using wooden structures)
Overall, the materials used to build this Bee House are concrete and steel. Such wooden boards are intended as a warm touch in cold regions.
(Night view of Bee Home)

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