On The Road Store, “Three Stores, Three Colors, Three Locations”
RIGI Design built three retail stores spread across three locations to re-preserve On The Road Store to the younger generation. These three stores also have the ambition to connect the streets of the city through small pubs.
(Three pubs built by RIGI Design to connect city streets)
Like pubs that are not so spacious, On The Road Store also has an area of no more than 20 square meters. The concept in the design of these three stores is similar by highlighting the official identity of the band-aid, the retail store's name.
(158 & On The Road Store dominated by green)
Then, RIGI Design determined a big concept in its design: to create these three pubs with a game of colors and numbers to distinguish each pub. Spread over three different locations, this pub appears to represent the streets where it stands.
The first pub, 158 & On The Road Store, is located across From Julu Road, famous among young people for many pubs there. In this pub, the flaming green color is dominant compared to other neons.
(The front of the green pub)
(View of the green pub interior from the outside)
Pinon 4-2 & On The Road Store is the second pub in this project series. This pub looks bold in red, which expresses a more conspicuous design. Located at 624 less crowded Changle Road, the pub offers a different wine-drinking experience, as its predominantly red design influences the subconscious to be more emotional. Visitors can also enjoy wine outside the store through the seats provided.
(Façade 4-2 & On The Road Store)
(4-2 & On The Road Store dominated red to express a more vivid design)
(Interior of 4-2 & On The Road Store)
The latter is a pub that replaced the role of the former barbershop building in Shanghai. This pub offers a different wine experience from the previous two pubs looking cool in blue. The barbershop, which previously occupied the building, now switched to a backyard still integrated with the pub. So, visitors who have to trim their hair can enjoy the wine here.
(42 & On The Road Store is a blue store)
(Small bar counter for mixing drinks)
Not only colors and numbers are the main points in the design of these small pubs, but RIGI Design also plays a role in lighting that affects emotions, experiences, and atmosphere. They used Light Emitting Diode (RGB) lights to bring the pubs to life. This lamp can attract people to enter the band-aid and feel the pleasure of drinking wine with bright colors.
(Are waiting barbershop and 42 & on The Road Store)

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