Smallprojects Possible Context
Kevin found and established his studio that called Smallprojects in 2002 which run and take care by Kevin Mark Low himself. His practice started after experiencing nine years finished bachelor's and master's degrees in architecture and a little in art and architectural history. During his life, he has been involved professionally in writing, environmental sculpture, illustration, teaching and copyright.
Gardenshell House (cr: Kevin Mark Low)
Portrait of Kevin Mark Low (cr: Kevin Mark Low)
In some of his busy activities, Kevin always manages to divide his time between architectural and product design, master plans, teaching architecture at the University of Malaya and providing design concept and consulting services for his clients. Kevin Mark Low has presented papers related to building technology at Harvard University and has taught in the architecture department at MIT. While in the United States, Kevin worked in architectural practices both on the East and West coasts. He studied closely with the Aga Khan Foundation and managed to obtain research grants and scholarships to Italy, North Yemen, Spain and Bangladesh. After returning to Kuala Lumpur where he lived for the next eleven years, running the R&D and special projects division, he joined GDP Architects. During his time with the architectural firm Kevin Mark Low produced several works including branding projects, budget hotels and high end condominiums, a refurbished warehouse for a corporate office, various housing types, guardhouses, garden memorials, mailboxes and master plans; the last one being the master plan for Sentul in Kuala Lumpur.
Portrait of Kevin Mark Low (cr: Kevin Mark Low)
Safari Roof House (cr: Kevin Mark Low)
PJ Trade Center (cr: Kevin Mark Low)
Kevin Mark Low's Smallprojects conceptualizes, designs and builds things primarily architecture, although there are many side things that concern him. Always focusing on relevant design, architectural economics and spatial technology related to a particular context. From unique home designs for unique clients with an emphasis on what is often referred to as garden homes. Covering everything from home design, building and utility related planning, project identity, building and product design, and spaces that cannot be called landscape or architecture but are in between.
Gardenshell House (cr: Kevin Mark Low)
Dogconcrete House (cr: Kevin Mark Low)
For him, big and small work that interests him is about what they all have in common rather than focusing on what makes them different. Smallprojects is less about the size of things and more about the intimate relationships that bind them. Kevin Mark Low characterizes his identity as being completely non-corporate and subverting dominant paradigms. Ignoring the theatrical rather than the dramatic. He says Smallprojects is about all possible contexts.

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