Wunderbugs: Interactive Bonds in the World of Humans and Insects
January 23, 2024
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Humans and nature are elements that always coexist and cannot be separated. Likewise, architecture has a close relationship to human life and the environment. Various architectural innovations that connect human life and the environment are increasingly developing, one of which is Wunderbugs, which is an architectural installation that is a link between humans and insects.

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture, Photo by Anotherstudio

This circular installation was first exhibited in the second series of the Maker Faire Europe and the space of the hanging gardens of the Auditorium Parco Della Musica in Rome, Italy. It was built with a porous surface offering a unique experience for interacting with insects. The structure, which is entirely made of wood, combined using traditional technology and computers, makes it possible to create this unique shape.

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture It was crafted entirely from wood, combining traditional techniques with computer technology, Photo by Anotherstudio

The shape is inspired by the typical form of Roman Baroque architecture which is full of arches, circles, and ovals, presenting a play of repeated shapes. Not only that, through this shape configuration, this installation also reflects the architectural beauty created by insects such as bees.

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture, Photo by Anotherstudio

Consisting of a sophisticated modular configuration with 1,104 arc modules and 92 rhombuses arranged circularly and curved, the installation is equipped with sensors that collect environmental changes that allow the insects to modulate the music. This installation also can modulate musical compositions to provide an unprecedented experience of interacting with nature.

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture The installation is equipped with sensors collecting environmental changes that enable insects to modulate music, Photo by Anotherstudio

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture The details, Photo by Anotherstudio

Meanwhile, to enhance visitor interaction with the environment and insects, there are transparent balloons with wooden supports containing various flowers and green plants as a small garden that attracts insects. Through this installation, visitors are taken to an interactive world that connects human and insect life. It proves that the combination of architecture and technology can create a space for interaction between nature and humans.

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture, Photo by Anotherstudio

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture

Wunderbugs by OFL Architecture

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