Responding to Changes during the Pandemic Through Qianhai Floating City
In 2020, an exhibition of Urbanism/Architecture of the Future of Qianhai was held in China. Precisely in the city of Qianhai, this event aims to explore various forms of urban planning to change the urban order for the better. One of the architectural studios that participated in this exhibition was the People's Architecture Office with their work entitled Qianhai Floating City.
(The overall view of Qianhai Floating City)
People's Architecture Office (PAO) designed and inaugurated the Qianhai Floating City installation during the pandemic. Therefore, this project was created as an expression of how cities can adapt quickly to the constantly changing needs during the pandemic.
(The structure is built with scaffolding)
The frame structure is made with flexible scaffolding so that it can be easily built, changed, and dismantled without leaving waste. Then, the People's Architecture Office (PAO) placed a long pink balloon on top of the skeleton of the structure depicted with large-scale sausage visuals.
(Red Flap, balloon installation, and elevated blue installation complete Qianhai Floating City)
In the framework of the other structure, there is an interactive installation called Red Flap that can attract the attention of visitors. Above the Red Flap, visitors can see the view of the city freely through a three-dimensional box with red-tinted glass that serves as a safety.
(Starting from walking on the path, then climbing the stairs to be able to see the view of the city from the top of the installation)
People's Architecture Office (PAO) completes the Qianhai Floating City installation with walkways and stairs that are the main access to go upstairs. Not only does it offer a view of the city, but this installation also offers an experience for visitors to explore various embedded works of art, such as posters.
(A view of the city that can be seen from the Red Flap installation)
Nearby, there is an installation located higher than the stairs and paths at the entrance of Qianhai Floating City. Different from Red Flap, here the People's Architecture Office (PAO) uses blue tinted glass equipped with led lights to function as lighting as well as a directional indicator for visitors to follow the predetermined installation flow. The framework of this blue structure also offers the experience of seeing the city's bearers with tall buildings as the background.
(Perspective of the blue installation Qianhai Floating City)
Qianhai Floating City was formed from the discussions of the exhibitors who came up with creative ideas. Thus, the structure of this installation can be used to organize various events, such as lectures, watching movies with screens installed on an iron frame, workshops, and other public events.
(Qianhai Floating City provides a projector for watching movies together)
(Qianhai Floating City at night looks beautiful with the play of light on the installation and city buildings as the background)

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