Bamboo Pavilion as a Stunning Structure amidst Chongming's Landscape
Chongming is an island that is still included in the city of Shanghai, China, which has stunning natural scenery. Not surprisingly, the island has become a tourist spot that offers natural landscapes of the surrounding local farms. Every weekend, the island of Chongming is visited by many tourists from the surrounding cities. Knowing that Lin Architecture in collaboration with several students designed a pavilion as a public space to accommodate tourists.
LIN Architecture-designed bamboo pavilion occupies a vacant lot in Shanghai
Lin Architecture's concentration in building this pavilion is how to create a public space that can be a place for social activities with different visitor characters. Finally, the step starts from exploring one of the areas of Chongming island, then Lin Architecture seeks to understand how the space built can meet the need to socialize for visitors. He found a piece of flat land that was large enough to build a pavilion. Then, Lin Architecture introduced "terrain theory" as a grand concept of the pavilion to be built.
The bamboo pavilion was built to encourage interaction between tourists and local residents
Because the goal focused on the interaction between visitors and the pavilion, Lin Architecture eventually built a pavilion with a twisting shape to create some space. The result of the pavilion's elevation allows visitors to use it to interact because of the intimacy of the space created.
To strengthen the touch of Chinese culture and identity, Lin Architecture built this pavilion using bamboo materials. Not without reason, bamboo was chosen because this plant is very affordable and so massively used here in the Bamboo Curtain Country. With its flexible texture, bamboo can easily be shaped as desired and can create amazingly beautiful motifs.
The bamboo pavilion is a forum for social interaction
The pavilion features a cross pattern of woven bamboo that forms the structure of the pavilion. This woven aesthetic is not necessarily only physically visible, but the context of time also affects it because the acquisition of sunlight shining on this pavilion will create abstract shadows. At sunset, this bamboo pavilion shines with warm light surrounding the pavilion area.
Applying the curved shape to create an intimate feeling
When viewed from a distance, this bamboo pavilion looks like a frozen wave in a free area. Its location, which occupies rural fields, is one of the tourist destinations for tourists and residents. The presence of this pavilion then creates a new face in the rural area, resulting in an amazing shape of the surrounding landscape.
Bamboo pavilion designed by LIN Architecture
"During the process of more than two weeks, the entire construction combined research and participation. With the help and guidance of professional workers and students, we were able to experience this project from start to finish," said the design team at LIN Architecture.
Equipped with led lights shining on the bamboo pavilion

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