Softie: A Sweet Home Adorned with Cloud-shape Interior
January 11, 2024

Recently OPA Interior Design Studio redesigned a house near San Francisco. Presenting a cloud-like shape, this house features bold white walls and a wavy ceiling.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studiobench area covered by thick walls and soft ceiling

The owner of this three-story house recruited OPA to create an interior that could represent “a release from the fit with the outside world”.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studioentrance floor that fits the interior concept

From that concept, a local studio began designing the building by incorporating a series of unusual and billowing shapes into the room, earning the project the nickname Softie.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studiosoft and unique curve shape

“Clouds spread freely throughout the house and dissolve and soften them in different ways. They erode and cloud the fabric of rational modernist networks thereby creating the impression of floating space.” the studio said.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studiothe soft texture of walls and ceilings

On the Softie's front door, a cloud refers to a series of protruding stairs leading to the interior.

The interior of the house is lined with architectural features that slope on top of the existing structural shell of the house to minimize disturbance.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studiocurved corners of the room

Part of the ceiling at the entrance has been reshaped and now droops downwards to form a thick corner where owners can relax during the day in peace.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studioshrouded pillar shape

The canopy is interspersed with several amorphous openings to provide views of the adjacent living room.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studiocanopy shape like a cloud wave

A similar thick corner has been built into the main bathroom, where it houses a self-contained circular tub.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studiobathtub with a rounded shape in the corner of a thick bathroom wall

On an outdoor terrace with a cloud-shaped canopy, owners are treated to panoramic views of San Francisco's Richardson Bay. The open roof structure is made of interlocking aluminum sheets, while the interior is made of foam blocks, MDF, and plywood.

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studiointersecting and corrugated aluminum sheets

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studiofirst to third-floor plans softie's house

Softie The Cloud House / OPA Interior Design Studio

softie house pieces

Project Location
Mill Valley, United States
Completion Year
Project Location
Mill Valley, United States
Completion Year
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