Christian Dior's Childhood Home Replica in Spring-Summer 2023 Show
Dior has teamed up with Villa Eugenie's studio, to create two replicas of Christian Dior's childhood home and its courtyard filled with approximately 19,000 flowers. The replica of this house was designed as the background and catwalk of the Spring-Summer 2023 menswear collection which took place on June 24, 2023.
A replica of Christian Dior's house is filled with belle Epoque decorations
Located in the courtyard of the Val-de-Grace church in Paris, these two small-scale replica houses are connected by a lawn with a bright blue background that represents the sky and sea views. Villa Eugenie created a runway design set with visual outdoor views, as if the show took place in a large courtyard house with clear skies stretching over it and views of the sea surroundings, to mimic Christian Dior's original home environment.
Villa Eugenie makes two replicas of the house
Replica of Christian Dior's house
One of the houses designed by Villa Eugenie to be a replica of Christian Dior's house in Granville, France, is made with the architectural form Belle Epoque, which is displayed through a magnificent-looking building with a pink exterior and a façade filled with typical Belle Epoque décor. While the second house, designed to create the shape of a replica of a Sussex farmhouse in the 17th century in the Georgian style, features the distinctive character of a Georgian, simple building with a façade filled with vines.
The second house features a replica of a Sussex farmhouse in the 17th century
The runway, designed by Villa Eugenie, is filled with grass with thousands of flowers that are applied to create a performance atmosphere like in the courtyards of French and English country houses. The invited guests were confronted with the two replicas of the house and a large courtyard with terraced seats filled with grass below.
The design set that takes the concept of Christian Dior's childhood home with a large yard and thousands of flowers in it was created to fit the theme of Dior's Spring-Summer 2023 menswear collection.
Dior's Spring Summer 2023 menswear show
The design set is designed according to the theme of the Spring-Summer 2023 menswear collection from Dior

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